Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Yogyakarta apart from being known as the educational city and the centre of Javanese culture, Yogyakarta was also known also as the main aim city of the tour in Indonesia after Bali. Yogyakarta kept many interesting tourist attractions to be visited:

Kraton Kesultanan Yogyakarta
The Kesultanan Jogjakarta palace was located in the centre of the heart of the Yogyakarta city, appear before to the north, in the North Selatan axis between Mount Merapi and South sea. Open everyday from 08.00 to 13.00, except the Jum’at day the visit hour was restricted up until 12.00

Puro Pakualaman
 Pakualaman was located in Sultan’s road of Agung Yogyakarta, in this place of Sri Pakualam IX that also Yogyakarta Special District Vice-Governor lived and received guests of the Country that visited to Yogyakarta. This place could be visited on the Monday and on Thursday between 11,00 WIB up to 13,00 WIB

Taman Sari (Water castle)
TAMANSARIWas located approximately 400 m. from the Yogyakarta palace. Where in ancient was the place of recreation for Yogyakarta Sultan as well as relatives of the palace. The Taman Sari Water palace could be visited by the public’s community every day from 08.00 to 16,00 WIB

Makam Kota Gede
Kota Gede In fact this grave was named the grave sapto Renggo, but generally the Yogyakarta community mentioned him the Kota Gede Grave in accordance with this vernacular name.
Here was buried by Ngabehi Loring Pasar Sutawijaya the founder of the Mataram kingdom that had the title of Panembahan Senopati, that also was the ancestors from the sultan – the sultan who governed kasultanan Yogyakarta.

Makam Imogiri
Imogiri 2The place of the funeral of the kings who governed the Mataram kingdom sepeninggal Panembahan Senopati especially Putra Sultan Agung Hanyokro Kusumo. This grave was on the hill and to reach him must walk on the ladder from the stone berundak totalling 345. Pilgrimage to the Imogiri grave could be carried out on the Monday between 10,00 until 13,00 WIB and the day friday between 13,00 until 17,00 WIB.

Candi Prambanan
Pramb statue
prambananWas located approximately 17 Km next east the Yogyakarta city. The Prambanan temple was the biggest Hindu legacy in Yogyakarta and Central Java. In a complex manner Candi Prambanan was built by the kings Wamca (dynasty) Sanjayapada the IX age and currently was the tour complex that could be visited every day between 06,00 – 18,00

Candi Borobudur
Budur statue
Borobudur is located on the side west Yogyakarta city sea to the best of approximately 42 KM. Borobudur was the biggest temple in the world in got up in the VIII age in the Cailendra Dynasty period had the power. The Borobudur temple really put forward the greatness of the life of Sidarta Buddha Gautama and explained his teachings through relief – relief that was carved beautiful to the wall of the Temple

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